Anti-Racist Community Engagement Speaker Series


每位演讲者将根据他们的社区参与领域和反种族主义专业知识以及他们的学术专业领域为教职员工提供讲座或研讨会. 他们的演讲和研讨会的标题和摘要(如有)如下. 这些活动是由美国国家人文基金会资助的. The honorarium for each speaker is $1,500.00.

Spring 2024 Series

从服务学习到反种族主义社区参与:加强伙伴关系, Pedagogy, and Policies

Cynthia LynchCynthia Lynch, Assistant Vice Provost, Civic Engagement and Academic Strategic Support, Salem State University
February 21 @ 3:00 pm
Bay View Room, RWU School of Law

本次研讨会将重点讨论教师和从业人员如何超越有问题的传统公民参与模式,并与利益相关者合作进行共同设计, implement, 并通过批判性参与公民学习(CECL)来评估倡议, a new equity-based framework. Additionally, 将分享见解和策略,以帮助改革和实施晋升和终身教职政策,以更好地认识和留住积极参与公民活动的教师. Finally, 这些努力将与一系列合作赠款和新英格兰公平与参与联盟(N3EC)的创建相结合,以展示高等教育机构如何推进其公民参与和以公平为基础的使命.


Aldo Garcia-Guevara奥尔多·加西亚·格瓦拉,伍斯特州立大学历史学教授
March 27 @ 3:00 pm
Mary Tefft White Cultural Center, RWU Library

Dr. 格瓦拉将在反种族主义社区参与和公民学习方面分享他个人和职业出身的故事, drawing lessons from the process, and sharing pedagogical strategies. 与会者将被邀请分享他们自己的学术之旅的元素. 在介绍了反种族主义社区参与原则和公民学习框架中的一些相互关联的要素之后, participants will explore, in small groups, how they can implement, increase or modify their own work to be anti-racist.

Anti-Racist Spatial Practices: Approaches and Challenges

Joseph KrupczynskiJoseph Krupczynski, Professor of Architecture and Director, Office of Civic Engagement and Service-Learning, University of Massachusetts Amherst
ARCH 132

In the recently published book, Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices, 作者研究了反种族主义社区参与如何抵消种族主义在美国的破坏性遗产和影响. Based on the book's key principles, 本次演讲探讨了在社区参与建筑中建立反种族主义空间实践的方法和挑战. Through acknowledging, analyzing, 批判有害的历史和当代种族化的空间实践, 这些方法可以更好地支持创造拥抱自由的空间和场所, cooperation, solidarity, and spatial justice.


Christina Santana克里斯蒂娜·桑塔纳,伍斯特州立大学英语副教授
April 17 @ 3:00 pm
Mary Tefft White Cultural Center, RWU Library

What does bold and brave anti-racist relational work look like without that term?  对于那些持有反种族主义价值观,但可能正在应对棘手政治气候的教职员工来说, work environments, and relationships, this writing workshop is a space of practical exploration. 在广受欢迎的“共同利益”概念的包容性框架下,” this workshop utilizes writing prompts adapted from the Principles for Anti-Racist Community Engagement and the 种族平等视角下的公民学习框架 to cultivate shared responsibility for greater well-being.